Here at Twin Hicks, you are sure to find our unique paintings and products a pleasant surprise. Enjoy the gift God gave us as much as we have enjoyed being used by our Saviour!
Alan & Aaron Hicks
Throw Blankets
Black Art Jigsaw Puzzle
New Collection
Original Images & Archived Images
Our Original Collection is available for purchase upon request. Please Contact Us if you'd like to inquire about any of the Original Images.
The Archived Collection is not for sale but to showcase the Twin's work.
"I am so happy to have found your site. I have your oil paintings and want to obtain paintings from portraits of my son and daughter. You two are Blessed and I feel like I found gold in this website. Love your work!!! Thank you Lord..."
"Your work is awesome! You are truly gifted men that God has anointed to tell His story through your artwork. Keep telling the story always planting the seed. Be Blessed Hicks Brothers.."
Phylliss Marshall
Brenda A
"I purchased a coffee cup with the praying hands printed on the cup. The work is absolutely beautiful. I have the blue and white cup. I have also purchased calendars in the past and would like to recommend any item from Twin Hicks."
Adrian A. Green
OMG!! So glad I found you!! Awesome website!!
Lori Jones
Franklin E